World leading manufacturer of tool grinding machines and optical CNC measuring machines. Customer uses Javonet to embed their critical WPF User Controls in their Java based Human Machine Interface that is utilized in the tool grinding machines all over the world. In this scenario Javonet made it possible to co-exist OpenGL, .NET and Java user controls within a single application allowing for the native, reliable, and secure real time interaction.
Javonet as the only solution on the market provided unique capability of embedding .NET user interface controls in Java based software. The seamless single process runtime bridging approach made it possible even within embedded systems in HMI to combine the two User Interface technologies of CLR and JVM. Cutting edge solution dramatically reduced the cost of the project and increased the reusability of the already obtained assets and investments. Bridging two technologies allows to embrace the artifacts of different teams to provide higher business value to end consumers and increase revenues.
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