There are 9 mln Java developers and 10 mln .NET developers in the world.


There are today 9 mln Java and 10 mln .NET developers in the world. Number of developers is constantly increasing and shows the balance between those two technologies.

Gartner reported that 80% of the biggest companies in the world use in their environments both technologies (.NET and Java) within custom solutions and third-party products. Today companies all over the world tend to work with multiple technologies on the regular basis increasing the mix between those platforms. Therefore more than ever before those systems need to communicate efficiently between each other to successfully fulfill the business processes and exchange data. New trends move away from adjusting processes or solutions to the technologies into opposite approach of choosing best technology for each task and finding the ways to integrate them together. There is need to avoid compromising the business for the technology. That leads to the situation where the technology mix in the companies grows rapidly and developers, architects and software vendors must adapt and meet the new requirements.

Today more and more companies are looking for how to integrate many different endpoints and capitalize their asset by re-using components and modules and make them interact in a very efficient and robust way with no need of software development avoiding any new source of errors. They look for such solution in many different use cases like real-time data exchange with devices or machines, processing of the high frequency trades, reading and writing the huge amounts of data or communicating the IoT solutions or any other.

When web-services are not applicable due to the performance requirements or the need to avoid client-server infrastructure, custom in-house integration solutions rarely solve the problem. Building custom cross-technological integration between programming languages might imply high costs and take a lot of time. Very often such solutions do not work as expected due to the low experience in the field of technology integration, platforms differences and low-level programming within the local teams who try to face that challenge.

They are looking for quick and seamless communication between heterogenous technologies with relatively low investment and controlled cost which seems to be a tough challenge.

In addition, the maintenance always requires extra resources and often becomes too expensive to remain business justified.

We answer this need providing ready to use solution opening new possibilities and opportunities for companies.

Javonet is the worldwide leading native integration technology. It has been recognized by many customers within different sector industries including major players as the best technological tool fulfilling their business and technical requirements by connecting those two languages for many projects reducing time to the market from years to weeks in many cases. Customers deciding for Javonet receive breakthrough product and access to deep knowledge of our highly qualified technical support team.

Our licensing is designed to be competitive with any custom development and alternative solution. Therefore, the cost of implementing Javonet falls way below the cost of custom development and can be achieved instantly by any developer with moderate experience.

Javonet opens developers unrestricted access to any module from .NET and Java instantly letting them re-use existing components, expose single code-base for mixed platforms and focus on their core activities.